Docs: surface module


euchar.surface.bifiltration(simplices, parametrization1, parametrization2, bins1, bins2)

Compute Euler characteristic surface of bifiltration.


np.ndarray of shape (N, 3) or (N, 4). Each row is a simplex. For example [2 4 -1] is the edge (2,4) and [2 4 9] the triangle (2,4,9).

parametrization1, parametrization2

np.ndarray of floats

bins1, bins2

np.ndarrays of sorted floats, used to bin the parametrization values of simplices


np.ndarray of integers

euchar.surface.image_2D_and_function(image, func, max_intensity=255, iterations=1, kwargs=None)

Compute the Euler characteristic surface of a give image with the bi-filtration given by sublevel sets of pixel values and iterative application of a given function on these sublevel sets.


np.ndarray of integers


number of times the function is applied to the image.


function taking a sublevel set of image and returning a binary image of the same size.


maximum value of elements in image


possible arguments of function func passed as a parameter.


np.ndarray of integers

euchar.surface.images_2D(image1, image2, vector_of_euler_changes_2D=None, max_intensity1=255, max_intensity2=255)

Euler characteristic curve of a pair of 2D images.

This uses the vector of all possible Euler characteristic changes produced by a pixel insertion in 2D images. This is recomputed every time this function is called if it is not passes as a parameter.

image1, image2

np.ndarray of integers


list of integers, precomputed Euler characteristic changes produced by a single pixel insertion

max_intensity1, max_intensity2

maximum value of any input of the form of image1 and image2


np.ndarray of integers

euchar.surface.images_3D(image1, image2, vector_of_euler_changes_3D=None, max_intensity1=255, max_intensity2=255)

Euler characteristic surface of 3D images.

This uses the vector of all possible Euler characteristic changes produced by a voxel insertion in 3D images. This is must be passed as a parameter.

image1, image2

np.ndarray of integers


list of integers, precomputed Euler characteristic changes produced by a single voxel insertion

max_intensity1, max_intensity2

maximum values of elements in image1 and image2


np.ndarray of integers